Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Who knows ten? I know ten!

This is my 10th post. An anniversary, of sorts, except that there's no "ani" involved. So a "versary", I guess.

It's 11:38. Usually I'm starving by now, but today I'm not hungry at all. Should I wait until I'm hungry to eat? Can't decide.

I'm in an "I hate people" mood, sort of. I really only feel like I hate the people surrounding me. One of them is constantly saying his catch phrase to me. Ugh. One of them is a guy who looks furtively around all the time and never chats, ever. It's creepy, because I've been here a year, and everyone else chats with me, and he chats with other people. OK, so he doesn't like me. That kind of sucks, really. I wonder why? I understand when people I've had obvious clashes with don't like me, but this guy and I haven't ever really *talked*. Maybe I did something I didn't realize. Who knows. I don't hate the guy at the end of the aisle, but he's all the way at the end, there. Access is not simple, and I like it simple.

I'm working on a website for someone I know here at work. I'm almost done. It's nice to do non-work pages sometimes, because I can use modern techniques and non-standards-driven designs. I don't get a lot of creative design freedom at work.

You know, maybe today's the day I alter this default template I'm using. I *can*, I just never *have*. Possibly because it's a Zeldman template, and I've admired him and his work for years. I drove my ass to the Javitz Center on a weekday so that I could meet him at Internet World some time in the late 90's. He was just as cool as I expected him to be, although a lot shorter. How funny is that? At least he was totally as cool in person as he had been in email. He and I had an amusing conversation about yiddish phrases, and how my mother had mangled one so badly that I've been using it wrong for over 30 years.

You know what? This has gotten quite long. I shall end this post, here.

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