Friday, August 19, 2005

Man on Dog hitting new lows

... in popularity, that is. This just in from the Huffington Post about one of our favorite right wing, radical Senators, Rick Santorum. (R - Pa).

Santorum has lowest rating of any US Senator

Rick Santorum has the lowest net approval rating of any U.S. Senator, according to a poll by Survey USA. The survey reveals 42% approve of the job Santorum is doing, while 46% disapprove. The difference gives Santorum a –4% approval rating.

Survey USA collected results of fifty separate public opinion polls for Senators in all fifty states. The average approval rating was 56% and the disapproval rating was 32%.
I'm not going to take off on some endless screed this morning against Santorum. I think everyone knows his story pretty well by now. All I can say is that the Dems need to take back a number of Senate seats in order to stem the tide of madness sweeping our government at the moment. Some PA bloggers need to be getting organized well ahead of time and working on this campaign. If you can't dislodge Santorum, you've got problems.

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