Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Personal Blog Gets Even More Personal

An open letter to the asshole who threw a rock through my father's front window last night:

Dear asshole who threw a rock through my father's front window last night,

What the hell is wrong with you? He's an old guy who was just sitting in his house, minding his own business. He's not feeling well, and he has to get his gallbladder taken out tomorrow, so you come along under the cover of darkness and do physical damage to his house? What kind of dick are you? Oh, wait, I know, you're the kind of dick who breaks other people's things and then runs away. Perhaps dick is the wrong word for you, perhaps the phrase "dickless coward" fits better.

Sincerely - and I MEAN that,

Yes, I do indeed feel better having written that where the world can see it.

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