Monday, May 9, 2005

Going for the Sleaze Factor

Rather than blog about something lofty today, I thought I'd point out a newspaper article that I had the good fortune to stumble across. It's about a prostitution bust, and I think we all know that if you can talk about sex, you really should.

Prostitution is latest Morris target
We start out with this:
Authorities in Morris County arrested 18 people this weekend in a prostitution sting in Rockaway Township, part of a campaign to root out sex crimes, gambling and drugs, the county prosecutor said yesterday.
A little further on down the line, though, we get this:
Investigators chose Rockaway Township for its proximity to major highways such as Routes 80 and 46, not because the township is a center for prostitution, the prosecutor said.


Rockaway Township Mayor Louis Sceusi said he is pleased that local and county authorities worked together on the sting, but he emphasized that the township is not plagued by prostitution.
So these escort services weren't located in Morris County at all? I am disappointed. I was looking forward to reading about how crime-riddled one of the more affluent NJ counties was! Oh, well. At least I can take comfort that this is brought up far enough down in the article that a lot of people will miss it. My party conversation starter remains safe!

Another thing I'd like to point out about this article - it gives the names of the female NJ residents taken in to custody. Was that out of consideration for men who'd like to look them up in the future? I hope those ladies have unlisted numbers.

Odd thing #3 - two of the women listed are mentioned as "working in child care". I wonder if prostitution business is so slow that you need a second job.

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