Thursday, June 30, 2005
It's Been Said Already
I found myslef amazed at the nerve of this guy, and Ron sums it up nicely. Short, sweet, to the point.
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Bloggus Interruptus
Sorry, folks.
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Puuding, Proof, Etc.
My kind of stuff:
On Education
· Universal access to preschool and higher education. (Oct 2000)
· Universal right to public education, pre-school thru college. (Sep 2000)
· Federal support & tax breaks for college tuition. (Sep 2000)
· Voted YES on funding smaller classes instead of private tutors. (May 2001) Jon doesn’t like tutors… Do you here that, he’s coming for you if you are a tutor of any kind.
· Voted YES on funding student testing instead of private tutors. (May 2001) Seriously though why should funds benefit some students when they can go to all
· Voted YES on spending $448B of tax cut on education & debt reduction. (Apr 2001)
· Rated 91% by the NEA, indicating pro-public education votes. (Dec 2003)
Part Happy, Part Sad
In 1999, Bush Demanded A Timetable
(Quoting the whole thing)
In 1999, George W. Bush criticized President Clinton for not setting a timetable for exiting Kosovo, and yet he refuses to apply the same standard to his war.Why does this make me part happy? Because it's a record that shows that he really does say whatever needs to be said to make it seem like he knows what's going on better than anyone else. Why am I sad? Because no matter how many times he gets called out on crap like this, there's still people out there who support him. I understand backing him if you're an ultra-rich crony reaping all the benefits, but why would people I know still think he's a good guy for this job?
George W. Bush, 4/9/99:
"Victory means exit strategy, and it's important for the president to explain to us what the exit strategy is."
And on the specific need for a timetable, here's what Bush said then and what he says now:
George W. Bush, 6/5/99
"I think it's also important for the president to lay out a timetable as to how long they will be involved and when they will be withdrawn."
[ed. note: article originally ran in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer on 6/5/99]
George W. Bush, 6/24/05:
"It doesn't make any sense to have a timetable. You know, if you give a timetable, you're - you're conceding too much to the enemy."
Makes no sense, and I'm sad about it.
Monday, June 27, 2005
Should We Be Surprised?
General admits to secret air war
The American general who commanded allied air forces during the Iraq war appears to have admitted in a briefing to American and British officers that coalition aircraft waged a secret air war against Iraq from the middle of 2002, nine months before the invasion began.Of course. Why wouldn't there be a secret air war before the actual war that our nation was supposedly trying to avoid by having the UN impose weapons inspections on Iraq? Why wouldn't we strike while the world was looking away for a moment?
But MoseleyĆs remarks, and figures for the amount of bombs dropped in southern Iraq during 2002, indicate that the RAF was taking as large a part in the bombing as American aircraft.Well, at least we weren't in it alone.
Friday, June 24, 2005
About Freakin' Time
It's a Beautiful Day In the Neighborhood
Congress Votes to Restore $100 Million to the Corporation for Public Broadcasting Statement by Eli Pariser, Executive Director of MoveOn.orgNow, according to RJ Eskow over at Skippy the Bush Kangaroo, PBS has named the "highly partisan" Patricia Harrison as their new president, so I guess it's one hand gives, and the other takes away. As long as Sesame Street's still there, and free, I'm at least a little happy.
We are delighted that we were able to help restore some of the cuts made to NPR and PBS. members sent in more than 1 million comments and made more than 40,000 calls to tell Congress to save Big Bird and Mr. Rogers. We are glad to have helped protect such an important service.
Late Blogging Day
Blogging will be late.
Apologies from the management.
Thursday, June 23, 2005
Make a Kangaroo Happy
Skippy is coming up on his 3rd blogiversary, and he'd like, as a gift, to reach a million hits. Go on over and give the blog a read. It's good reading, mostly short comments and links to stories, and I'm always glad I went there.
Skippy's 3rd anniversary post
DSM Update
'Downing Memos' shed light on run-up to Iraq war (registration required)
Blair's own Labour Party - indeed, the world at large - still needed to be convinced as to why the threat from Saddam Hussein had suddenly become dire, why an invasion wouldn't contravene international law, and what kind of government might replace Saddam's regime.I believe that was exactly the question I asked *after* we invaded. The exact phrase I used was "crime of aggression".
I'm frustrated to death about this. I never thought we had any business starting this war, and now that people are calling for a timetable to pull out our troops instead of specifying what conditions need to be met in order to pull them out... Well, it's maddening that we haven't already defined what those conditions should be, actually. I have no idea anymore if we need to stay the course, or getting the hell out would make it better for those people. Every time I think of it, my mind just freezes up trying to think of what might fix such a cluster f*ck.
Knowing this, and knowing that these memos are out there, it makes it all worse. If our government is planning wars that should never happen, if they're pretending to wage them to protect us, if the UN Sanctions are not obtained, and plans are pushed through against the better judgement of the rest of the world, how can we say that we're not committing gigantic acts of terrorism ourselves?
And now you read everywhere about the possibility of war with Iran, of war with Syria. With whose soldiers, I ask you, whose money? War is expensive, it costs money and lives and neither is a commodity we can afford to part with. This warhawk attitude has to stop. I was hoping we had evolved past this kind of behavior and I'm unimaginably sad that I was wrong.
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
The COST of Property Taxes!
Mind you, I try to be accurate whenever I can in talking about issues. That's why I try to remember not to say, "lowering property taxes", but "lowering the cost of property taxes". The state does not levy your property taxes. In my area, the township assesses the value of the property and decides how much money to tax and the county sets the costs that have to be met with those taxes. The state can only provide rebates, which is what Senator Corzine has been saying all along, while Forrester has been pretty much making stuff up, talking about how he'll "cut your property taxes" by ten percent a year for four years. Well, he can't. The governor doesn't get to cut your taxes. The issue is property tax rebates.That's exactly what was pointed out to me by a friend last week, and it's exactly right. Your local municipality levies the property taxes, and the state government doesn't make them up, or collect them. You can argue that by increasing local funding that state government could make the high property taxes unnecessary, but is anyone saying that they're going to increase local funding? I don't think so. Frogsdong is right, the issue has to be to rebate or not to rebate, and committing to lowering property taxes state-wide is a smoke screen at best.
All Your Baseless Are Belong to Us
Limbaugh baselessly suggested Downing Street memo "may be a fake"
I love an article that has the word "baseless" right in the title.
From the June 20 broadcast of The Rush Limbaugh Show:"Some similarities", sure. They're both documents about something unappealing done by GWB. But this one's real.
LIMBAUGH: I purposely haven't talked about this Downing Street memo much because, frankly, a) it didn't interest me and, you know, if it doesn't interest me, I'm not going to talk about it. And the reason it didn't interest me is because it was just another one of these ginned up things by the libs, and it looks like it's got some similarities to Bill Burkett and the forged documents of CBS and Rathergate.
Know why I hadn't heard this sooner? Rush Limbaugh doesn't interest me.
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
Were They Kidding?
Well, what gives is that I've been an AOL member since 1995 or so, and I'm not changing my address just because it's unhip. I'm going to stick with it until it's cool again, dammit. And besides, there really are some useful features to the service. Like, for instance, those of my relatives who completely fear computers can figure out how to send me email.
So, this morning, I signed on to AOL to check my mail, and waded through the zillion messages. When does mail from people you know, but don't want to hear from become spam? Never. *sigh* Right, back to my point. When you sign on, you have a welcome page. I chose the "world news" welcome page, or whatever option gives me news headlines. Today, there was a story on Bolton being blocked again.
President Bush faces a politically thorny situation - and stark choices - now that Senate Democrats twice have blocked John Bolton's confirmation as U.N. ambassador.There was a poll - Should the President bypass the Senate?
The president could withdraw the nomination, authorize further concessions to Democrats over access to information they seek or bypass lawmakers altogether by appointing the former State Department official to the job temporarily without the Senate's OK.
Are they kidding me? OK, for the record then, I answered their poll "no". The thing is, there was no comment space, so I figured I'd add mine here:
No, the President should not bypass the Senate, making the checks and balances that are supposed to be built into our system look even more like a joke then they already do in these days of a Republican-controlled House and Senate. No.
Monday, June 20, 2005
Lots of Downing Street Links
Once again, as a member of the Big Brass Alliance, it is my sworn duty to post important stuff here. Unfortunately, I'm really feeling slow on the uptake today, so I'm glad that other people have written comprehensive stuff. The following is lifted completely from one of our fearless leaders, Shakespeare's Sister.
I'll start with a link to her post on Conyers trying to take his petition to the White House.
Next, on to an email missive sent out to the BBA today:
Hi everyone. There's been some (probably justified) concern that the Right's last ditch tactic to disavow the Downing Street Documents by calling them fakes will gain some traction in the
media. So we need to be prepared to combat such assertions. Following is a list that should help you get started:
Editor & Publisher:
That memo and other internal British government documents were originally obtained by Michael Smith, who writes for the London Sunday Times, Pincus notes. Excerpts were made available to The Washington Post, and the material was confirmed as authentic by British sources.
Washington Post:
There is no dispute about the authenticity of the Downing Street memo.
British officials did not dispute the document's authenticity...
NY Times:
officials at the British Foreign Office in London, while insisting on anonymity, said inresponse to queries from The New York Times that they would not dispute the authenticity of the document.
The Times notes that when directly asked about it at their joint press conference, neither Bush nor Blair disputed the original leaked memo's authenticity, and additionally points out the USA Today, who hadn't previously covered the memo because they couldn't obtain independent verification, reported on it once Bush and Blair were given the opportunity to repudiate it and did not.
Please read, and understand - people aren't just making this up.
Friday, June 17, 2005
Penny Wise, Pound Foolish
So what, the government doesn't want a way to send subliminal messages to the most children possible? I'm surprised!
Too Big for Its Britches
While in some cases independence is needed because of the unique mission of an agency, in too many cases the absence of adequate fiscal, legal, and management controls Ć and the lack of transparency and accountability Ć have led to wasteful, unethical, and even potentially criminal practices. Also, this Ćinvisible governmentĆ has been used as a convenient place to dole out political patronage jobs and lucrative no-bid contracts away from public scrutiny.My first thought was to think about the fact that eliminating jobs takes away someone's source of income. The people in these positions are real people, and they need to support themselves to survive. But Corzine's not talking about average people who are earning their way, here, he's talking specifically about people who are given jobs as favors, people who may or may not ever actually do any work for these paychecks they're receiving.
I also believe that structural reforms will be needed to make this "invisible government" more open and accountable, and if elected I plan to put these reforms in place from the very beginning of my administration. ThatĆs why today I am announcing the formation of a task force that will look closely at these issues and periodically report back to me with suggestions and recommendations on needed reforms. Former New Jersey Attorney General Robert J. Del Tufo has agreed to chair this task force. General Del Tufo brings to the table invaluable experience as the chief law enforcement officer of this state and as the head of a cabinet department. The other members of the task force will be announced shortly.I really like this approach. As we all know, sitting right next to someone who is using their position as a paid vacation, sits someone who's putting their kids through college, or paying off their house. If this task force actually does their job and investigates instead of just taking a sweeping brush to an entire area, I think that real cost-saving measures can be found, and maybe the state can make its way back to the days where it was run better. Not perfect, no, nothing is perfect, but better.
Thursday, June 16, 2005
Oh, Yeah - Basic Rights, Right!
"We can fight terrorism without undermining basic constitutional rights. That's what the message of today is about," said Rep. Bernie Sanders, a Vermont independent who pushed the measure through the House with the support of 38 Republicans.I love it when people do things that make sense. Now I can finally go out and get myself a copy of The Anarchist Cookbook without worrying about acquiring a tail.
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
Catch Up With the DSM
Unsure what the DSM stuff is all about? The Raw Story has an excellent roundup of docs and key points in a nice, easy-to-read table.
Even less sure about it all and want more info? Kevin Baas has a wiki.
Wondering when the Conyers meetings are? Tomorrow, 2:30 EDT, back on the hill.
Our dear leader led us to believe that we were going to war as a last resort. These memos say that war was the preferred method. Read them, and make some noise.
The Reward for Good Works?
Our most prominent "look the other way" policy has been towards Pakistan dictator Pervez Musharraf, whose invaluable assistance in the War on Terror led to a swift capture, trial, and execution of Osama Bin Laden.
Well, maybe after taking the hallucinogens they dish out in Outer Wingnuttia, they did. In the real world, Osama Bin Laden is out in the mountains mooning us daily, and Pervez Musharraf is behind atrocities like this one, brought to us by Ezra Klein:
(Klein quote)
Mukhtaran Bibi is under arrest. You remember her, in a world of Jackos and Rumsfelds and celebrity relationships and deified presidents, Bibi is an actual hero, a Mandela-esque story of courage and forgiveness. She's a Pakistani women whose brother committed a crime and, under the barbaric codes sometimes enforced in rural Pakistan, was condemned to public, forced gang rape to atone for him. When the four men had finished raping her, she was forced to walk home, nearly nude, while hundreds of onlookers laughed and jeered.
She was supposed to die.
If all had gone as planned, she would've grabbed a knife and slit her throat, or maybe her wrists. She would've accepted that she had been sacrificed for a male, that it was more than a fair trade, and that no one could move on until the last spark of life had vanished behind her eyes. And she would've hurried up and and finished the affair.
All did not go as planned.
The knives stayed in the drawer. Her nude body found clothes. She convinced a local Islamic leader to back her as she took her rapists to court. They were convicted. They were locked away. She got a settlement.
One could, at this point, forgive her for jetting off. For paying however many rupees it took, settling back into a plane seat, and appyling for asylum in America, hitting the lecture rout, leaving. She didn't. Instead, she built schools. Two of them, one for boys, one for girls. She took special care to enroll the children of her attackers, banishing vengeance and cutting the generational cord of ignorance. She enrolled in her own school to learn to read. She started a shelter for abused women. She decided to found an ambulance service so the rural sick could reach high-tech hospitals. She spoke out against honor killings and rapes. And she was going to visit America.
Pervez Musharraf, our erstwhile ally in the War on Terror, couldn't have that. Mukhtaran Bibi was put under house arrest last Thursday. When she tried to walk out, police pointed guns at her. When she tried to make calls, they snipped the landline. When she moved to the cell, they took her to Islamabad and put her in prison. Then, for good measure, they released her rapists -- a warning shot.
Having Mukhtaran Bibi speak out about Pakistan's brutal side didn't fit the softer, more Western image Musharraf wanted to project. What he really didn't count on, though, was a columnist for the New York Times taking up the case and making more noise than she ever could've. And I bet he's not expecting outraged e-mails from all over the world to fly into his government's inboxes. Which is why they should be. And they should be loud, outraged, and laced with threats about how many congressmen will be informed and how much noise will be made. They should, above all, be perfectly clear on one count: if she dies, her voice will be far louder than if she lived.
(Jill again)
Nick Kristof is the columnist, and here's what he wrote about the case yesterday.
Ezra has e-mail and snail mail addresses for who to contact to express your opposition to this kind of tactic.
And for those who think this is a necessary sacrifice to make to ensure Musharraf's continued "cooperation", go tell your wife, or your daughter, that sometimes it's OK for a rape victim to be arrested in order to keep her silent, if we need the "cooperation" of those who would exonerate her attackers.
(apologies to Jill for re-posting so much of her work here, but it's *important* work)
Numbers Games
Sure, I called his plan false and hollow, but I did so not to engage in partisan fighting, but because his numbers simply don't work. I double-checked the budget numbers just to be sure, and I'm pretty sure that $9 billion is cost of the Forrester plan. I'll even show my work.In an article in The Star Ledger, I read Forrester's take on this issue.
"Corzine is offering another warmed-over, McGreevey-Florio rebate gimmick. The only thing it guarantees is higher taxes," Forrester said. "Jon Corzine is part of the same group of people who gave us these problems. He cannot change New Jersey. I can."Now, I'm not the biggest fan of rebates. I do not understand exactly why it is that we can charge someone $3000 for taxes and then give them a rebate check for $1200. Why not just charge them $1800 in the first place? It's all a trick of government spending. The thing is, it's a trick that actually puts more money in people's pockets. If the refunds were eliminated, it would be just another spot for money to be manipulated in new ways, and few of those new ways are ever good for the taxpayers. The state spends too much in the wrong places and too little in the right ones. Have I mentioned the city where the superintendent gets a $200k annual salary and the teachers (at the school I know about) are allocated one box of pencils for the year? How is that a good use of funds? Who makes these decisions?
Helping New Jersey's spending problems requires re-working the way we use the money, on top of trying to use less of it. Without a lot of back work, no plan will be able to offer tax relief to NJ residents.
Monday, June 13, 2005
Female Problems
There was a big-ol' dust storm this weekend, about an ad on a major blog that had a scene that can be considered degrading to women. No, I'm not linking to either thing. You want to see that sort of thing, go find it on your own time. Normally, I could give a crap about sexy ads, like the Paris Hilton one, or one out of three beer ads. If your target audience is men, using visuals of sexy women is tried-and-true. Everyone's got hormones. So normally, I just ignore it, and move on, assuming that men, as a whole do not think that women are either "nice people", or "feminists".
But then, well, then I started to read the posts that this dust-up was inspiring. Holy Christ on a cracker. Seeing the line "the crowd who dares not shave their legs" pissed me off. Well at least now I know. What do I know? I've made a list:
- I have no sense of humor
- My personal hygiene is lacking
- I represent all that is good and decent in the world by virtue of simply being female
- I represent all that is wrong and twisted in this world by having an opinion of my own and not settling down with some nice man and reproducing
- No candidate can win without people like me, we're the majority voice
- I somehow don't deserve to make as much money as a man doing the same job because of reasons 1-5.
- Reason 6 *proves* I don't have a sense of humor, See?
Shakespeare's Sister
Rox Populi
A Quiz from After School Snack
Pinko Feminist Hellcat
What Do I Know?
Latest on the DSM
I can't write this any better than Shakespeare's Sister did, including the part about the social life.
The first day IĆve actually engaged in a social life in weeks and what do I miss? The leaking of a new British memo confirming that it was "necessary to create the conditions" for the legality of the Iraq War.
Friday, June 10, 2005
DSM Hearing
For those of you confused, "DSM" is "Downing Street Memo".
Last night an email went out to the Big Brass Alliance telling us about the following Raw Story piece:
The ranking Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee has scheduled hearings on the 2002 minutes between senior British and American officials which asserted that intelligence was "being fixed" to support the case for war in Iraq, RAW STORY has learned.Congressman Conyers, on his DialyKos Diary, calls the President's response to a question about the DSM "inadequate". I'm really glad to see that in writing, because the idea that you can take a question about a memo that says "Military action was now seen as inevitable" and answer it with "And so it's -- look, both us of didn't want to use our military." just doesn't match up for me.
The hearings, which will be held next Thursday, will bring renewed attention to what is being called the "Downing Street memo," actually official minutes of a secret 2002 meeting.
Conyers office has revealed that they will introduce new documents that corroborate the Downing Street Memo at the hearings June 16.
"We expect to release new documents that corroborate the Downing Street memo," a Judiciary aide, speaking on condition of anonymity, told RAW STORY Thursday afternoon. "None of the documents are as earth-shattering as the Downing Street minutes but all of them corroborate the accuracy of what it says."
Thursday, June 9, 2005
Pick Your Poison
So I found myself listening to New Jersey 101.5 again. I expected it to be the usual, they give me facts before spouting off with an opinion I don't agree with, but this morning was different. Today, Jim Gearhart went off on some sort of (mild) cynical fit. For a few brief moments, part of his brain opened up and spilled out for all of us to hear.
He expressed the opinion that it doesn't matter if you're Democrat or Republican in NJ, because there's just very little difference. Both candidates have plans to reduce the property tax, and neither one is any good. They both talk about ending corruption in Trenton, but it's all talk. No one is going to change how government works, he said, it can't be done, not by anyone. He quoted Jesse Ventura (!) as saying that government is like a big wheel, you think you can stop it by throwing yourself in front of it, but it just runs you over and keeps on going.
It was cynical, but somehow really refreshing!
I mostly agree with him that nothing will ever completely stop the corruption, but I do feel like it can be reigned in. Life in NJ is getting so expensive that it's insane. I have a friend who makes more than $30k a year. You'd think that would be enough to live modestly on, but I assure you, it is NOT. My friend cannot afford a one-bedroom apartment near her work at Rutgers. That's crazy! I make a bit more than that, and I know that I'm going to have to do some crazy lucky investing in order to be able to afford a house of my own. I may not ever be able to do it. The price of running New Jersey in its current mode is bleeding the residents dry.
So, no, maybe we can't fix it all, but we can fix some of it. And we have to have a governor, that doesn't change. There are 2 main people running for the office this year, Forrester and Corzine. I like Corzine's Senatorial voting record. I like his plans, and his staff. I'm throwing my support behind him. I'll leave you with something that he says on his web site that I like addressing a problem in New Jersey development:
Stopping "Fast-Track" Decisions That Harm the Environment In recent years, New Jersey adopted a wrong-headed policy that 'fast-tracks' developers' permits without allowing for a smart review of environmental considerations. Jon Corzine believes this is bad for our natural environment and will only contribute to sprawl.
Jon Corzine has made clear that this 'fast-track' law can't stay the way it is. The law treats a permit for building next to a drinking water reservoir, and a permit for building in a downtown urban area, the same way.
Jon Corzine will replace this law - allowing a streamlined permitting process for urban areas, but guaranteeing discussion and fact-based review before we build on precious lands. With sprawl and pollution eroding the quality of life in our state, the environmental community and the public must have a seat at the table in these decisions about land use.
Wednesday, June 8, 2005
Unimportant Quiz Results

C-86 post punk kid. You are completely aware that
the Smiths are the greatest band ever, and your
wardrobe probably consists of lots of different
Smiths t shirts that you alternate ever day,
because everyone must know how much you love
the Smiths.
What type of indie elitist are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
(seen at NYC Babylon)
Down with Downing Street
Ted Kennedy - no one ever said that he didn't have nerve:
Sen. Kennedy speaks out on Downing Street Memo: 'Twisted intelligence; Distorted facts'
The following was released by Senator Ted Kennedy (D-MA) on the Downing Street Minutes this morning. Kennedy becomes the first senator to raise the issue in the Senate, after earlier reports that Massachusetts' junior senator, John Kerry, would speak about the minutes in Washington.
Happy for Small Favors
Schundler also doctored an earlier Forrester for Governor press release that showed that under Forrester's 30%-in-3 plan, Schundler's own property taxes would be $20,000 less than under his own plan. Schundler removed a column that showed the level of property tax projections under his own plan.Last night, Doug Forrester won right to run for governor of NJ on the Republican ticket. I don't want him to win. I'm going to work towards the goal of Corzine winning, of course. If he does, though, at least he's not the guy who pulled this particular brand of crap.
Tuesday, June 7, 2005
Rousing Time
Live Blogging
(more to follow)
I SAID Violence Begets Violence!
GANEI TAL, Gaza Strip (Reuters) - A Palestinian rocket attack killed two workers in a Jewish settlement in Gaza on Tuesday after Israeli forces shot dead an Islamic Jihad commander in the West Bank.I'll start out by mentioning that I kind of feel like this article leads with an anti-Israeli feeling. Maybe I'm just overly sensitive, though. OK, I'll leave off that to get to my main point.
HAMMAS IS A TERRORIST ORGANIZATION. I don't doubt that. I'm not in favor of any "softening" in the U.S.'s position towards them. Heck, beyond being a terrorist group. They're not even a very bright one:
Israeli military sources identified the dead farm workers in the Ganei Tal settlement as a Palestinian and a Chinese national. A rocket struck a table where they and other workers were eating.Nothing like firing rockets directly at the people you're supposed to be "defending".
"Don't they know there are Arab workers here," a Palestinian laborer said, referring to Palestinian militants.
You know what needs to happen? People need to stop firing rockets at other people. That would solve a lot of problems, right there. Then I wouldn't have to feel like I'm taking sides so often.
Primary Celebration
Monday, June 6, 2005
Talk About the Downing Street Memo
...Sure, Amy. I mean the reality here is that this evidence from this Downing Street memo reveals that the President may have engaged in a conspiracy to mislead and deceive the United States Congress and the American people about the basis for going to war against Iraq....
Perhaps We Can't All Just Get Along
OK, Hizbollah (Hezbollah, however you want to spell it, it's just not English, OK?) wins polls. They obviously have the support of the Lebanese people.
Hizbollah -- which the United States labels a terrorist group -- has rejected the Security Council resolution which calls for disarming the group and has vowed to fight to the death any attempts to forcibly take away its weapons.So they're saying that Israel is attacking them, and that the Security Council resolution is invalid. This is a group that engages in terrorist acts of violence as their form of "fighting back". No formal army maneuvers are sufficient for them, I guess. They aren't the Lebanese army, but they're enough of a threat that the UN Security council wants them to "disarm".
It says it is willing to engage other Lebanese in dialogue over its arms but that it would keep them as a defense against Israel, which occupied the south for 22 years until 2000.
"We will face any attempt to disarm the resistance," Amal leader and Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri told reporters. "The resistance is the natural result of Israel's aggression and its wars and massacres against Lebanon."
These are the people doing well in the Lebanese polls? Well, I guess that my answer is, "No. We can't all just get along". Violence begets violence, people. Try to remember that.
Thursday, June 2, 2005
Just Wanted to Mention This
Winners Write History
I am today in the process of joining the Big Brass Alliance, a group of bloggers supporting After Downing Street.
I have sent out 3 emails this morning, to
(A) CBS Evening News. email: phone: 212-975-3247
(B) Associated Press. email: phone: 202-776-9400 (DC) or 212-621-1500 (National News)
(C) C-Span Washington Journal. email:
(hat tip, Running Scared)
My position is this: I've seen the memo stating that the war in Iraq was a foregone conclusion, and that all the talk of WMD was just utter crap used to make the world think that we weren't the insane aggressors that we are. Why are no charges being brought anywhere, by anyone? Why are there so few media stories mentioning it?
Why do so many bloggers ask this question without an answer?
The winners write history, and I'm doing my damnedest not to be on the losing team.