Friday, February 2, 2024

Afraid That Posting This Stuff Will Get Me Death Threats

I just saw a headline calling the Gaza conflict, which is terrible from every angle, "Israel's War". I am incredibly angry at that writer. It's not any one entity's war, you can't have a war with a single side. 

You *can*, though, have a country that is trying to work under very strained conditions with a group that wants to wipe them off the earth. You *can* have that country retaliate for being brutally and suddenly attacked en masse, at civilian sites, grabbing hostages, beheading people and parading corpses through the streets. 

Does Israel make the right choices in all of this? I don't think so. But I don't think that they're the only ones who own it, either. 

From the Al Jazeera article: “No child should ever be exposed to the level of violence seen on October 7 – or to the level of violence that we have witnessed since then.” 

I agree. But please, please do not forget that on 10/7, the violence was *against* Israel, on Israeli ground. 

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