Monday, October 16, 2023

All the Feels I Have Are Anger

 War. Turns out it really is only good for absolutely nothing.

Extreme violence is horrible, no matter what brought it on. You know how Superman was always about catching the criminals and turning them over to the justice system? In the comics, General Zod wasn’t tearing a child out of her mother’s arms, then raping the child while forcing the mother to watch. Zod wasn’t ending the interaction by killing both of them, then taking the recording of the whole thing and posting it to the internet, proud of the “justice” that he had delivered to his opposing Kryptonian factions. So there’s that.

Learning about that video is something that made me angry, today. I have no proof, the story might not even be real, but it was believable to me, and so I’m angry. I’m angry that it seems possible. 

I’m also angry about people ignoring their responsibilities in order to do things that hurt my feelings. Knowing that the actions aren’t specifically aimed at hurting my feelings doesn’t help that, even though it should.

It’s like the only emotions that I can reach are frustration or anger. 

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